Lord Of The Rings Two Towers Game Boy Advance Cheats

Find all our The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Questions and Answers for PlayStation 2, Gameboy Advance, GameCube, Xbox, dvd. The FAQ for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers plus great forums and game. Welcome to our collection of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GBA. Visit our dedicated Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers cheats to be posted. You need a link cable, two game cartriges, and two gameboy advances. Hook the link cable up to them and select mult. Select a character and a place. Then, the person who has the item.

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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Multi-player Mode Gimli

Successfully complete the game with twocharacters under any difficulty setting.

Gem Limitation

We all want all the gems in the game but we can'tthere is a limit to the amount of gems you canget with a character. You can only get 65,535gems.

Troll Tusk (Frodo)

Found in Moria (just after the bridge of Kaza-dum). The Troll Tusk can be found in thenortheast corner.

Judkins Scrolls (Eowyn)

In one map, a woman will ask you to clear townhall (a large building in the center of thearea). Instead of immediately going in, go nearit, then wander around the level for awhile,killing things and collecting items. When youreturn (usually), you can find the artifact infront of a wood pile to the west of the townhall door.

Balin's Book (Gandalf)

This is found in Balin's Tomb before the CaveTroll enters, just below the actual tomb.

Sauron's Ashes (Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Frodo)

This is found in a tower at Helm's Deep up alarge flight of stairs in the 'Gorge' level tothe north. It is the map immediately after youdefend the broken wall with Gimli. A chest willappear to the left of the forge after openingall the boxes and chests on the northeast wall.Frodo does not go to Helm's Deep, but he canfind the Ashes in a Mordor or Emyn Muil map.

Moria's Lamp (Legolas)

In the map where Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimlimeet Gandalf, Moria's Lamp is hidden in a secretarea at the top of the map. You have take a pathto the right of the screen and group, then left.When you walk into the edge of the screen, youwill disappear to another area where you caneasily get the lamp.

Bilbo's Map (Aragon, Frodo, Legolas)

Found in a Dimril Dale map. An elf will ask youto recover a lost item from some Orcs. Two Orcswill be guarding a chest and one of them willdrop the artifact when you kill it.

Narsil, The Sword Of Isildur (Aragorn, Legolas)

Found in Lothlorien at the bottom of the map. Itcan also be found by Frodo in Crinfanti.

Chain Link Of Morgul (Aragorn, Legolas)

Found near the end of a Rohan map calledthe 'East Wall'. You start the level betweenthree bushes (one big on the right and twosmaller ones on the left). A bright blue Trollwill appear and start running away. Itinvincible, but you can follow it to a cave. Thechainmail will appear there.

Balin's Tomb: Defeating The Troll

When you first enter this room, note the firstdoorway before you proceed to the actual tomb.When the Troll appears, run back to the doorway.You will see that there is a slanted area.Position yourself such that the troll is in thatcorner and move southwards so that he cannotmove further in. From here you can kill him,even with your melee attacks. Alternately, runback to the first room you were in and use theattack through walls glitch to hack and slashuntil the Troll dies.Just before the Cave Troll comes in, if you arestanding against the back wall, all the way tothe left is a flight of stairs leading to aledge that overlooks the actual tomb. When thetroll enters, run up the stairs to the ledge anduse your long range attack on him. If you arenot fast enough, he will follow you up thestairs. Just run back down the stairs and try todefeat him from the bottom of the ledge.When the Cave Troll enters, run all the way tothe left and up the stairs, killing Orcs on theway. When the Troll comes over, hit him withyour sword or arrows. If you have any specialskills, use them (for example, Gandalf'sFireworks or Zaps).

Moria: Easy Orc Kills

At the beginning in the mazes of Moria, Orcsscream and run towards you on another side ofthe wall. You can kill them through the wall.


The Uruk-Hai with the hammer falls forward whenhe really dies and backwards when it is not.Also you can check if he drops an item. He doesso when he dies. However, sometimes corpses donot leave items.

Defeating Ringwraiths

When your corruption is at maximum (flashingeye), Ringwraiths will appear. However, theywill only appear at the top of you. You can trapthem by standing on a ledge and running to thetop end before they appear. From there, you cankill them with ranged attacks or lure them to anopen space one by one.As Legolas, in the level where you start outwith Aragorn and a Orc and two Swamp Ghosts(Flames), do not kill any crows unless theyattack you. Run until all the crows that flyaway are gone, then run back to the fence (it ismore like a wall) and push up against it. TheRingwraiths will appear above you, where theycannot hurt you. Go to the side of the gate andshoot them until they die, then go around andget the items. Note: Overdraw works especiallywell.

Defeating The Balrog

When you are facing the Balrog, immediately goto the top left corner. Shove yourself in as faras possible. The Balrog will appear, hit thewall, and always miss you. Then, launchfireworks or Zaps at him. If you really want tokill him the old fashioned way, sit there whilepressing B.

Defeating Lurtz

When facing Lurtz as Aragorn, use the activeskill 'Summon Legolas'. Legolas will appear andstart fighting the nearest enemy, in this caseLurtz. You can now fight alongside him untilLurtz is dead. Usually this does not take verylong.

Legolas: Use Overdraw Quickly

For those who use Overdraw with Legolas, use thefollowing trick to eliminate the delay when hestarts the attack. Press B (normal attack) thenimmediately before he shoots the arrow, press A(which should be set to Overdraw). You will hearthe 'whoosh' sound if done correctly To chargethe Overdraw, hold A after pressing B.

Moving Around Quicker

Always keep a pair of sandals in your backpack.They usually come in handy. For example, if youfind a forge, a shrine, or an Ent Pool, you willprobably want to keep returning there to sellthings. They are also useful when you want torun away from an enemy. In most shoes, boots,etc., you will move a lot slower than you wouldin sandals.

Recover Health

Play as Legolas with the skills where you canMeditate (stand still and recover hit points )and Forest Friend (call hawks to distract andinjure the foe). Use Meditate and Forest Friendat the same time and your hit points willrecover twice as fast.

Duplicating Items In Multi-player Mode

Lord Of The Rings Two Towers Game Boy Advance Cheats

Trade an item from character one to char twosaves and have both turn off the game. Bothcharacters should now have the item.

Easy Spirit

Find a place where Orcs, Trolls, Wargs, youngWargs, or Goblins cannot get you. For example,in the stone fence above the health pool whenyou are against the Fargon Troll (only thelittle Troll can get you). Then, stand still forabout six to ten seconds.

Easy Levels And Gems

If you are having too much difficulty passing alevel, wait until you are about to die then saveyour game and quit. Restart that game and youwill start back at the beginning with fullhealth, full spirit, the experience you justgained, and all enemies are re-spawned for youto kill again. Repeat this several times to gaineasy level ups, gems for buying power-ups anditems, and to rack up kills in order to reachthe 500 point skill increases.

Multi-player Mode Misty Mountains Level

Successfully complete the game with all eightartifacts.

Hidden Ending Sequence

Successfully complete the game with allcharacters to view a sequence featuringsquirrels and a Cave Troll.

Duplicate Items

In multi-player mode, have player one gives item(s) to player two. Then, have player one quitthe game without saving. When the screen saysthe that Game Boy Advance has lost theconnection, have player two save the game andquit. Player one will still have the item(s),and player two will have the copied item(s).

Moria's Lamp

To get Moria's lamp you must defeat the foresttroll at the end of the Faghorn forest level.When he is defeated you will meet up withgandolf. After the other characters leave thescreen go to the right as far as you can and thenup as far as you can. After that go to the righta little ways and the screen will go black for asecond and then you will apear in a new spot. Gostrait up and there will be Moria's Lamp. Toleave the level just retrace your steps.

Get The Narsil Artifact

To acquire the shards of Narsil, you must get toLothlorien with Frodo. You will get toLothlorien after passing the long level fromMoria, and into the woods. So, once you are inLothlorien, go south from where you start. Youwill come to plenty of tree stumps that you canchop open. Make sure you cut open each one,because in one of them, you will find the swordof Narsil!

Get The Tusk Articfact

When playing with Frodo, after running acrossthe bridge of Khazad-Dum and leaving Gandalf, gonorth as far as you can. Not far up is an objectjust sitting on the ground. You may have tosmash a pot to find it. Pick it up. It is thesecond artifact.

Ultimate Arrow

When Legolas use overdraw but don't let go of A. Wait until the circle is orangethen without letting go of A hold down B. Then let go of B and he will shoot butyou will still have the arrow ready and you can moveT then medatate and thecircle will be orange and blue. Now you have an unstopable arrow. Press A tolaunch.

Balrog Strategy

When fighting the Balrog hit him with long range Magic then when he seeems to bemeditating hit him with your sword /Staff Repeat this until it is dead.

Easy Cave Troll Win

Here's an easy way to beat the Cave Troll in theroom with Balin's Tomb. Get close to the troll tocatch his attention, but not close enough to getsmashed. Lead him up the staircase on the lowerleft part of the room. Make sure he follows youup the stairs. Go up into the little room in theupper left corner of the tomb. Knock over thestatue to make sure the goblins don't come in andkill you. Attract the cave troll until he comesto the doorway and repeatedly tries to hit you,but stay out of his way. Then shoot him withLegolas or use skills to hit him until he dies.

How To Get Balin's Book

To get Balin's book you need to be Gandalf.Travel through Moria tell you get to the partwhere you face the cave troll. Next to Balin'stomb you will find his book. The item willautomatically be added to your artifacts list.

Weapon Power Up

If you hold down the 'B' button your weapon willstart to 'sparkel'. This should kill a regularGoblin and a regular Orc in one hit.

We have no cheats or codes for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no unlockables for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Glitch: Legolas: Overdraw

This is another glitch in Legolas' Overdrawskill. First, charge your Overdraw by holdingthe button. Then without releasing the overdraw,charge up your attack for about two seconds.Next, release only the normal attack, thenrelease the Overdraw. You will see that nothinghappens when the Overdraw is released, but theaura will still remain. Also try leaving ituntil his Meditation skill starts. The aura willchange yet again. Use the Overdraw again toremove it.

Glitch: Gandalf: Invisible Staff And Sword

Start a new game with Gandalf. Remove his staffand sword. Gandalf's arm will still bepositioned as if he is holding a staff. If youattack an Orc, you will hear the sword soundwhen he is using his fists.

Glitch: Hit Through Wall

You can hit through thin walls such as thosefound in Moria. Any other thin walls will alsowork, including the barriers such as the treesand rocks in the plains.

Glitch: Uruk-Hai

The Uruk-Hai with the sword already hits youwhen he swings his sword. He will hit you againwhen it lands, registering two hits.

Glitch: Frodo: Skills

Some of Frodo's skills can be canceled with hischarged up attack. For example, his rollawaymove and charge move can be canceled into acharged up attack. This is useful, as when youroll just nicely to the enemies' back you canattack immediately instead of waiting for Frodoto finish his roll.

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Strategy Guide
Misty Mountains level in multi-player mode

Successfully complete the game with all eight artifacts to unlock the Misty Mountains level in multi-player mode.

Gimli level in multi-player mode

Successfully complete the game with two characters on any difficulty setting to unlock the Gimli level in multi-player mode.

Hidden ending sequence

Lord Of The Rings Two Towers Game Boy Advance

Successfully complete the game with all characters to view a sequence featuring squirrels and a Cave Troll.

Easy levels and gems

If you are having too much difficulty passing a level, wait until you are about to die then save your game and quit. Restart that game and you will start back at the beginning with full health, full spirit, the experience you just gained, and all enemies are re-spawned for you to kill again. Repeat this several times to gain easy level ups, gems for buying power-ups and items, and to rack up kills in order to reach the 500 point skill increases.

Easy spirit

Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers Game Boy Advance

Find a place where Orcs, Trolls, Wargs, young Wargs, or Goblins cannot get you. For example, in the stone fence above the health pool when you are against the Fargon Troll (only the little Troll can get you). Then, stand still for about six to ten seconds.

Duplicating items in multi-player mode

Trade an item from character one to char two saves and have both turn off the game. Both characters should now have the item.

Use Overdraw quickly with Legolas

For those who use Overdraw with Legolas, use the following trick to eliminate the delay when he starts the attack. Press B (normal attack) then immediately before he shoots the arrow, press A (which should be set to Overdraw). You will hear the 'whoosh' sound if done correctly To charge the Overdraw, hold A after pressing B.

Lord Of The Rings Two Towers Game Boy Advance Cheats Ps4

Defeating the Balrog

Lord Of The Rings Two Towers Game Boy Advance Cheats Codes

When you are facing the Balrog, immediately go to the top left corner. Shove yourself in as far as possible. The Balrog will appear, hit the wall, and always miss you. Then, launch fireworks or Zaps at him. If you really want to kill him the old fashioned way, sit there while pressing B.

Artifact locations
    Bilbo's Map (Aragon, Frodo, Legolas)

    Found in a Dimril Dale map. An elf will ask you to recover a lost item from some Orcs. Two Orcs will be guarding a chest and one of them will drop the artifact when you kill it.

    Narsil, the Sword of Isildur (Aragorn, Legolas)

    Found in Lothlorien at the bottom of the map. It can also be found by Frodo in Crinfanti.

    Chain Link of Morgul (Aragorn, Legolas)

    Found near the end of a Rohan map called the 'East Wall'. You start the level between three bushes (one big on the right and two smaller ones on the left). A bright blue Troll will appear and start running away. It invincible, but you can follow it to a cave. The chainmail will appear there.

    Sauron's Ashes (Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Frodo)

    This is found in a tower at Helm's Deep up a large flight of stairs in the 'Gorge' level to the north. It is the map immediately after you defend the broken wall with Gimli. A chest will appear to the left of the forge after opening all the boxes and chests on the northeast wall. Frodo does not go to Helm's Deep, but he can find the Ashes in a Mordor or Emyn Muil map.

    Moria's Lamp (Legolas)

    In the map where Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli meet Gandalf, Moria's Lamp is hidden in a secret area at the top of the map. You have take a path to the right of the screen and group, then left. When you walk into the edge of the screen, you will disappear to another area where you can easily get the lamp.

    Balin's Book (Gandalf)

    This is found in Balin's Tomb before the Cave Troll enters, just below the actual tomb.

    Troll Tusk (Frodo)

    Found in Moria (just after the bridge of Kaza-dum). The Troll Tusk can be found in the northeast corner.

    Judkins Scrolls (Eowyn)

    In one map, a woman will ask you to clear town hall (a large building in the center of the area). Instead of immediately going in, go near it, then wander around the level for awhile, killing things and collecting items. When you return (usually), you can find the artifact in front of a wood pile to the west of the town hall door.

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